viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

How to boost motivation and creativity?

In many family owned companies, where people have been working there for more than 30 years and management is based on the experience of the family, we can observe that nobody is 100% compromised with the company, all the workers are just doing their job as the day before or as the previous year without looking around the market what's happening outside.
It's very important to let all the workers develop themselves listening some ideas, offering trainings, or explaining the business, the strategy of the company and how you have to feel your job and the individual motivation towards the team.

The family owned companies need external consultants or coaches just to stop the time during some days and analyse: Who is the company? Where's going the company? What do we really want for the company? How to reach it?

These steps are very important to be successfull in business an to go on growing.

In Spain, many companies have missed these issues some years ago and are closed now. Any business opportunity is changing just looking around us, day by day, we need to be more creative but still analyst.

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