martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Primes à la consultance pour pme wallonnes

Voir ce lien sur le site de la région wallonne

Si vous désirez recevoir un support au niveau business development, cette aide de la Région Wallonne rembourse 50% des honoraires avec cependant un délai de 2 à 4 mois pour obtenir l'accord du Ministère.

Une autre prime très efficace est le subside par l'Awex de 3 à 5 jours de consultance appelé ESE pour TPE. Un expert en stratégie à l'export vous aidera à réaliser ou réviser votre plan stratégique d'internationalisation. Après accord du centre régional de l'Awex, l'expert se met au travail et la société n'avance pas les fonds, une sérieuse aide pour toutes nos pmes exportatrices et productrices en Wallonie.

Contactez-moi por plus d'infos

Security stock: a need for international sales

If you are manufacturer with few ressources and facing a current national crisis -can be in any country, you have to react and be open to your internationalisation, that's a requirement nowadays.

There are many options: through agents, wholesalers, importers or e-commerce.

Following your own specific marketing budget (offline and online) , to be defined by yourself on a 12 months base, you have to define some basic priorities, one of these is the definition of your product range.

This range has to be in perfect trend with the market demand, check that point firstly by realising a survey.

Once the product line is defined, you need to planify your production according to the International Business Plan issued and of course, give a flexible service to your customers abroad.

That means that you need a level of security stock to be defined by:
-Your current customers portfolio on national side
-Your prospects customers portfolio with a monthly purchase planning on interntaional side
-Your own forecast for your e-shop also based on a minimum monthly sale

By reference, by customers and by country, a full forecasts to be planed before your peak campaign in order to manage correctly your stock of raw materials, negotiate with your suppliers, produce on time, get a security stock to offer flexibility in delivery terms, that will of course make the difference at the time of your business development.

Define and promote a x-star products through your current sale channel, you will see the results on a 12 months terms.

Success in business development is never just luck, you have to build a real strategy supported by all the departments of your company.

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Follow up in coaching

Some special programs coming from the Belgian governement are very effective for very small sized companies and could be an examples for other European countries!

I have the chance to collaborate in this kind of support for short terms missions from 3 to 5 days to solve a specific question on export strategy.

These days are fully busy with a face to face analysis of the company, the structure, the products, the sales and marketing tools in place. The results is a RECOMMANDATIONS package closed to an ACTIONS plan to be implemented by the company.

These tools are friendly users but very basic tools to help the managers to organise and planify priorities on exports and internationalisation strategy.

The most important would be a good follow up till the fullfilment of the Actions plans and the support on how to go on in some issues, on a 12 months term to see the effectiveness of the report and realised mission (this Program is totally paid by the Belgian government in my case) but the follow up is not covered.

Be aware of how to do something is important but concrete the actions and see the results is the most important.

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Spain: opportunities for foreign investors or retired people

Due to the very high offer in construction in Spain, and just near to the most important beaches and paradises for tourists, some companies organise special trips to Spain for high potential investors (mainly coming from Russia and China).
These focus only on the luxuruy market and on very high prices but with very interesting discounts as a large new brand villa of aroung 400 to 600 m2 with 2000 m2 garden can be sold for 1 million euro in stead of 2 millions some time ago.
There is also a place for small investors looking for their retirement place to live, this can be the case of Nordic European people (Scandinavia, UK, Holland, Belgium, Germany, France, etc).
Now the prices have decreased around 30% on appartments closed to the beaches and that's a really good time to thinks about buying the future appartment when you will retire.

If you plan to look for something concrete, you first have to define the kind of building (appartment, villa, house, beach, mountain), the city or beach you like, services related to this city, and start to compare. If your choice is closed to Valencia or Alicante, I would be glad to help you. there are many opportunities in beaches like Xeraco, gandia, Piles, Oliva, Denia, Jávea, Calpe, Altea, Benidorm, etc and also, good villas in mountains vith views to the sea.

See you soon under the shiny sky

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Start-up with small budget

Some years ago, I had a very great idea in relation to Spanish fashion.

I would have loved to create a special Spanish Fashion shop in Liège, Belgium but of course, first of all, I needed a confident partner there and also, the capital to start this investment. The total amount was around 150.000 Euros, to high for myself and my family situation with 2 kids living in Spain.

From the start of e-shops and the high rate of sales through the Internet today, this dream can come through thanks to a great partner located in my Belgian city and to the e-commerce development in our traditions of consumer.

A good and clear website including e-marketing tools from the start, a friendly user page, different payments conditions, a fast response and delivery term and a high level of flexibility on special designs, models, sizes and colours with a HIGH QUALITY stamp of  MADE IN SPAIN will be the advantages we will develop on the internet.

The first steps: full business plan, break-even-point and marketing plan

Our start-up budget rises around 12.000 Eur for the first year expenses including website development as this is my job....story to follow soon

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Opportunité immobilier Espagne: Appartement à la plage, Piles, 60km Sud Valence

Belle opportunité sur la côte med, une plage tranquille, idéale pour familles, activités sportives et tous services toute l'année à la plage de Piles, entre Valencia et Alicante.

3·ème étage avec de belles vues sur mer, avec ascenseur. Totalement restauré, comme neuf, nouvelles portes et nouveaux châssis de fenêtres en aluminium blanc apd mars 2012.

78 m2, 3 chambres, 2 doubles et une simple, grand salon avec salle à manger (30m2), salle de bain avec plateau de douche et paroi, nouvelle cuisine office, le tout meublé.

Balcon de 7 m2, 4 chaises et une table idéal pour petit déjeuner face à la mer.
Tout extérieur, orientation Denia

Le prix inclut une place de parking et un petit cagibis de rangement.
Frais de communauté: 400 eur/an

Prix actuel: 120.000 Eur (avec réduction de 40.000 Eur sur le prix initial)

Contact: Valérie Timmermans-
Possibilités de locations en été

Networking development in La Safor, Spain

I'm very pleased to see bymyself the very dynamic progress of some business partners from La Safor, Gandia in Spain. has been created 2 years ago and now, more than 800 members participate to this special platform open to anyone interested in boosting our region: La Safor, sharing experiences, ideas and activities.
The human relationships around this group are friendly, open-minded and very effective talking about Spanish economy, soe special business behaviours and new trends to innovate on a global vision.

What Spain needs now is that kind of movements, with dynamism and positive spirits to create ideas, activities and further more, employment.

I personally invite our new government and local authorithies to listen actively this group and follow their actions.

lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

E-commerce Marketing

I find this tips very clear and easy to understand for sme or freelancers.

Here we are 14 tips to improve your e-strategy for your web.
from very great web in e-tips.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

I trust most of us know what search engine optimization is, it’s a fundamental part of online marketing for any business. And it’s an activity you’re never “finished,” thanks to search engines that continually keep us on our toes.
Under the SEO umbrella are a number of sub-disciplines including keyword research, link building, copywriting, strategy and technical optimization.
There are a number of fantastic sources for search engine information out there, but some notable ones are Search Engine Land, Stone Temple , Bruce Clay, Small Business SEM, Matt Cutts’ blog and SEOmoz.
Got SEO questions? The High Rankings and Search Engine Watch forums are great places to hang out.
You can also poke through our archive of SEO related Get Elastic posts.

SMO – Social Media Optimization

Coined by Rohit Bhargava, SMO refers to both activities that make your site social media ready (think RSS feeds and share-with-your-network buttons) and marketing promotions that support word-of-mouth (or fingers) and draw traffic to your site.
We’ve covered all types of SMO here on Get Elastic, and blogs like Chris Brogan, TechCrunch, Techipedia and Marketing Pilgrim are great resources.

NFO – News Feed Optimization

A subset of SMO, the purpose of NFO is to get your Facebook Page’s content in front of as many eyeballs as possible via your fans and fans’ friends’ News Feeds. Like SEO, NFO strategies are based on what little we know about Facebook’s Edgerank algorithm. Activities may involve designing Facebook landing pages (or tabs) that have prominent calls to action to join the Page or incentives to share the Page or its posts with one’s network.
Check out our posts EdgeRank: How Facebook Determines What Appears in the News Feed and News Feed Optimization: 14 Ideas to Get Noticed in Facebook for more details, and subscribe to Inside Facebook and the Facebook Blog to keep up to date.

CRO – Conversion Rate Optimization

One of my favorite topics, conversion rate optimization is all about moving the needle higher on your site’s KPIs (key performance indicators). A/B and multivariate testing is key to CRO, but the strategy behind what is tested is critical. It involves a deep understanding of user behavior and expectations, with a healthy hatred towards relying on gut-feel to make decisions.
In addition to this blog, check out Tim Ash’s Landing Page Optimization podcast, WhichTestWon and Marketing Experiments.
For your bookshelf:
Conversion Optimization
Web Design for ROI
Always Be Testing: The Complete Guide to Google Website Optimizer
Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for Conversions

WAO – Web Analytics Optimization

While tools come equipped with a number of metrics and reports out of the box, did you know your web analytics should also be optimized? A web analytics audit by a professional can help uncover sources of data inaccuracy like inaccurate cookies, rogue caching servers and tagging issues which can be overstating or understating your data. A strategist can help you set up the proper goal funnels and data filters, create custom reports that matter, and help work through complex issues like subdomain tracking and connecting data from other systems.
Fantastic sources of web analytics information include VKI Studios (now Cardinal Path), the infamous Avinash Kaushik, Lunametrics and the blogs of the web analytics vendors themselves, like Google Analytics Blog and Omniture.

WPO / WSO – Web Performance Optimization / Web Site Optimization

So nice, they named it twice. Whatever you choose to call it, performance optimization is often the “forgotten” piece of the optimization pie. WPO is a technical job, requiring ninja coding and IT skills. It may also involve third party services like CDNs (content delivery networks) to cache content for quicker retrieval. While it’s not marketing per se, it’s essential to it. No matter how souped-up or stripped down your landing page is, a slow page load speed will quickly send visitors elsewhere. As a marketer, you need to know what to ask your IT counterparts to help you with.
The blogs Web Performance Today, Steve Souders, Gomez Web Performance Blog and Andrew King’s Website Optimization book are great resources.

EMO – Email Marketing Optimization

While this term could apply to CRO for email campaigns, as we have defined it on Get Elastic refers to a hypothetical idea from fellow ecommerce blogger Rishi Riwat. This form asks customers by email to Google a specific keyword and click on the company’s search result in exchange for a %X discount. The premise is that click through rate is a ranking factor for organic SEO, and such a campaign is a way to boost it. Hey, it could work!
Of course, the CRO side of EMO is also very important. Email is its own animal, as you have to consider headlines, timing and frequency of deployment, list segmentation, list cleaning and so on. Great resources are the Retail Email Blog, Marketing Sherpa, Style Campaign, ClickZ and the Email Insider column.

PRO – Product Returns Optimization

Okay, I admit I totally contrived this discipline – it’s an acronym to describe a discipline I believe should exist. We always talk about driving sales, but what about preventing sales that will only be returned? There are at least 6 ways you can go PRO: product descriptions, images, video, customer reviews, site tools and features and customer support.

CSO – Customer Service Optimization

Again, a fabricated acronym – but let’s face it, most e-business’ customer service can be improved – whether in the call center or on-site through self service and FAQ availability and usability. And customer surveys are to CSO as web analytics is to CRO.
I’ve also put together a comprehensive scorecard you can download to calculate your “customer service quotient.”

APO – Affiliate Program Optimization

Though I don’t hear the industry labeling “affiliate program optimization” with the acronym APO – it has a nice ring to it, no?
APO is continuous improvement that involves recruiting the right affiliates, improving relationships with your top referrers, combatting spam and parasiteware, properly attributing multi-touch sales, developing and testing offers and creative, and so on. Great resources are the ABestWeb forum and blogs by Geno Prussakov, Linda Buquet and Shawn Collins.

SSO – Site Search Optimization

Site search is another often overlooked area of optimization, but it could provide greater gains than even landing page improvements, depending on the condition of your tool. Even if you have a rock-solid thesaurus and never show zero-results found, testing and improving the presentation of your results, and their ranking order and refinement options can go a long way.
Our recently posted site search digest has our best articles on the topic – 61 tips!

PSO – Paid Search Optimization

Like SEO, PSO (more commonly called SEM for search engine marketing) requires an ongoing strategy with several activities at once. After creating a proper account structure and configuring appropriate settings like geographic and device targeting, there are ongoing tasks like keyword research (including negative keywords), bid management, copywriting and landing page testing, analysis and keeping up with the moving target that is search engine advertising that must be mastered.
PSO is no DIY task – whether your team is in-house or outsourced, practitioners must be experts. But even if you’re not doing the hands-on account management, it’s important you understand the industry and best practices so you can better evaluate if your SEMs are doing a good job.
Great resources are the RKG Blog (Rimm-Kaufmann Group), Search Engine Land, Certified Knowledge and Click Equations.

DFO – Data Feed Optimization

Shopping engines are search properties of their own and can send higher converting traffic than organic and paid search, since referred visitors have already seen your product image and price vis-a-vis competitors’. But shopping engines require their own TLC. Enter DFO – the practice of managing data feeds across various engines (each with their own requirements, traffic mixes and click prices) whilst optimizing for each.
Great sources of info include SingleFeed, CPC Strategy, LoveYourFeed and CSE Strategies.

MCO – Mobile Commerce Optimization

Now more than ever ecommerce businesses are interested in mobile commerce, as consumers flock to tablets and smartphones and are becoming more comfortable with the mobile web. But it’s not as easy as changing a few style sheets to get your site to render nicely on mobile phones. Optimization requires measurement (mobile analytics), strategy (prioritizing devices and platforms, designing unique mobile features and functionality) and development (mobile sites and/or applications for various devices).

End of article

All of us, as e-marketeers are applying these tips on a functional base, now more than ever, webmasters have to be marketeers as Internet is more and more requiring on your contents.
The main platforms are getting bigger with more controls on SEO.

To be efficient on your web, you have firstly to write down a good e-marketing strategy closed to a specific actions calendar to publish, your TO do list will be the main tool on ROI.

For any specific advise, feel free to contact me.

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Nouveau défi: webmaster and e-marketeer pour PME et indépendants

Par la suivante, Business Consulting annonce la finalisation d'une association de savoir-faires:

D'une part, Juan José Camps, un webmaster expérimenté avec plus de 20 ans de services comme programmeur informaticien, spécialiste Internet, analyse de nouvelles plateformes, plus de 400 webs réalisées tant en Espagne que pour des multinationales implantées en Europe et 
d'autre part, moi-même, spécialiste en Bus Dev surtout à l'internationalisation avec une post-formation en e-marketing, appliquée depuis plus de 3 ans sur des projets d'amélioration stratégiques pour TPE, PME et indépendants.

Une alliance de compétences incontournables aujourd'hui où Internet n'est plus seulement une simple carte de visite ou une plateforme de présentation mais représente un immense potentiel de business development, d'echanges commerciaux et de connaissances, de compétences et où dorénavant, l'efficacité de votre WEB est ESSENTIELLE pour un succès sur le net.

De nombreuses TPE ou indépendants ont de formidables idées à commercialiser ou à développer.

Nous vous offrons un développement de remodernisation de votre web, incorporant les outils de référencements, les réseaux sociaux et le blog avec une révision de contenu.

Promotion de lancement exceptionnelle: votre e-efficency web (remodernisation et redesign de la web incorporant les outils e-marketing) à partir de 950 Eur ou votre e-shop aussi à partir de 1.500 Eur. Contactez-moi,-)

Aide PME: Région Wallonne pour votre Gestion Commerciale

Vous exercez une activité économique en personne physique ou en personne morale et vous souhaitez faire appel à un consultant.

Si celui-ci est agréé par la Région wallonne, vous pouvez être remboursé en partie du coût facturé par ce consultant.

Pour bénéficier de cette aide, vous devez remplir toutes les conditions suivantes :

  • avoir au moins une unité d'établissement (siège d'exploitation, siège d'activité, succursale, ...) en Région wallonne;
  • exercer une activité reprise dans la liste des secteurs d'activités admis;
  • occuper au maximum 100 personnes
  • réaliser un chiffre d'affaires de 50 millions d'euros maximum ou présenter un total de bilan de 43 millions d'euros maximum ;
  • jouir de l'indépendance financière, c'est-à-dire ne pas être détenu à 25 % ou plus par une ou conjointement par plusieurs autres entreprises ne répondant pas aux conditions qui précèdent.

Si vous remplissez ces conditions, la prime aux services de conseil se réalisera en deux étapes:

  1. La Région wallonne vous autorisera à faire établir un diagnostic global (maximum 3 jours de conseil);
  2. Sur la base de ce diagnostic, vous serez autorisé à faire réaliser une mission de conseil dans un ou plusieurs des domaines suivants : gestion financière, gestion commerciale, politique industrielle, gestion de la qualité, gestion environnementale et développement durable, organisation et management, informatique, transmission d'entreprises.
Public :
Administration compétente :
Service public de Wallonie (SPW) - Direction générale opérationnelle de l'Économie, de l'Emploi et de la Recherche - Département du Développement économique - Direction des Projets thématiques Lien vers le site [ce site s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre] Envoyer un mail à

Bon à savoir :

Si votre dossier est complet, comptez deux mois pour chacune de ces deux étapes.

L'aide de la Région wallonne est limitée à 12.500 euros par demande.

Pour plus d'information : 081/33.42.70 Fax: 081/33.42.88