miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Ice Watch, the right tips in Marketing

I would like to point out a successful business story on direct and indirect marketing tools and on the OFF-LINE and ON-LINE startegies.

A very concrete example in Belgium is http://www.ice-watch.com/ , a very targeted marketing strategy oriented to a special target with a very efficient marketing plan.

At the base, a very special design and fashion watch with limited ranges and highly coloured products.

On one side, a direct marketing on B2C with a very important presence on ONLINE tools: social networks as Facebook or Twitter, special promotions on B2C big events, attraction of the target by product application (stars pictures on the web), a permanent presence on the internet media in general, high control of the web content with many comments, etc. that's how a company builds up a brand on the base level- consumers level ONLINE. The same rules are valid for export sales strategy on ONLINE marketing.

From the OFF-LINE calendar, Ice watch is working on a yearly base events planing following the targets and of course, based also on ROI, and sales results of the past campaigns. To build a great brand, Marketing team has to be everywhere, be creative, look for cross-marketing operations and be the leader on their segment.

Ice watch has done a good job in Benelux region and now, they also have the opportunity to develop the brand abroad.

Other indirect marketing tools on B2B are in place to attract resellers, wholesalers, manufacturers or other brands (in the same segment). Through special cooperations with other companies related to the same target, a very efficient tools to localize the shops worldwide, building a brand step by step with good communication but with poor visibility on mass media (the first strategy has a direct result on this second consequence). This is completely different from the first one, as the accent is not the high visibility but the "ALREADY EXISTING NOTORIETY" on the market (national and international).

I invite you to give your feedback on how Ice watch has convinced you...

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