martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Security stock: a need for international sales

If you are manufacturer with few ressources and facing a current national crisis -can be in any country, you have to react and be open to your internationalisation, that's a requirement nowadays.

There are many options: through agents, wholesalers, importers or e-commerce.

Following your own specific marketing budget (offline and online) , to be defined by yourself on a 12 months base, you have to define some basic priorities, one of these is the definition of your product range.

This range has to be in perfect trend with the market demand, check that point firstly by realising a survey.

Once the product line is defined, you need to planify your production according to the International Business Plan issued and of course, give a flexible service to your customers abroad.

That means that you need a level of security stock to be defined by:
-Your current customers portfolio on national side
-Your prospects customers portfolio with a monthly purchase planning on interntaional side
-Your own forecast for your e-shop also based on a minimum monthly sale

By reference, by customers and by country, a full forecasts to be planed before your peak campaign in order to manage correctly your stock of raw materials, negotiate with your suppliers, produce on time, get a security stock to offer flexibility in delivery terms, that will of course make the difference at the time of your business development.

Define and promote a x-star products through your current sale channel, you will see the results on a 12 months terms.

Success in business development is never just luck, you have to build a real strategy supported by all the departments of your company.

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