miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Follow up in coaching

Some special programs coming from the Belgian governement are very effective for very small sized companies and could be an examples for other European countries!

I have the chance to collaborate in this kind of support for short terms missions from 3 to 5 days to solve a specific question on export strategy.

These days are fully busy with a face to face analysis of the company, the structure, the products, the sales and marketing tools in place. The results is a RECOMMANDATIONS package closed to an ACTIONS plan to be implemented by the company.

These tools are friendly users but very basic tools to help the managers to organise and planify priorities on exports and internationalisation strategy.

The most important would be a good follow up till the fullfilment of the Actions plans and the support on how to go on in some issues, on a 12 months term to see the effectiveness of the report and realised mission (this Program is totally paid by the Belgian government in my case) but the follow up is not covered.

Be aware of how to do something is important but concrete the actions and see the results is the most important.

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